Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Question you for your reply

Did you know that our minds can think up to 60,000 thoughts a day? Perhaps this question you think? What about that?! Your unconscious mind began research in your 'database' to see if you know the answer.

This is what makes it so powerful questions, and ask your mind starts searching for the answer. So if you really want an answer to a difficult situation or because you have a decision in question then the answer for you. You're the only one that really has!

The main thing to understand is that 9 times out of 10 you already know the answer. Oh, you can fool yourself that "I do not know" or "not remember", but as you tap in the results of questions that can provide you begin to use your inner power to help you achieve personal success.

Even if we accept up to 60,000 thoughts a day, most often have the same thoughts, over and over again, using less than 10% of your brain! Unfortunately, most questions are negative or fear-based.

So teach me how to access and use the remaining 90% of my brain? Great question! And the answer? Ask the right question!
Do you know why the questions are so important? Well because your brain is connected to answer them! The request for applications is immediately looking for an answer, creating a results focused solution.

This happens whenever a question. Think about it, did you ever ask "What should I wear today?" So do not you responded! As soon as one asks the question that your mind starts to seek what clothes are available, whether that red skirt you want to wear is still waiting to be washed. The mind goes on a quest to answer the question for you resulting in you leaving the house wearing what you want to wear.

When it is your brain to find a solution? Well actually it always happens, but there is a way to limit the use of your mind. How? Granted an 'put the brakes in response' to your question.
How can I do? Using phrases like "do not know" or "I'm not sure." solution to get you off the hook fast 'number one' to kill the creative mind!

How do I know I ask the question "right? First it is not right or wrong! The word" law "is there to pacify the conscious mind. If you know there is a question of right know that you are doing precisely so you do not do evil, so do not miss guy ... we are hard on ourselves or what!

Whatever question you ask will make you think about a solution or a possible answer and then look for another question if you need further clarification.

So what I'm saying here is any question we ask is the right one. If it is not providing you with an answer sufficient to amend the application, but rather the thought that you're doing wrong because you did not receive the response you want!

Also remember, there's the wrong question. There are only questions that may be necessary to re-wording so the answer is positive, and this will happen with practice.

You can limit the number of questions to ask yourself to think:

What should I know?
What I want to get results?
What you are working out or inform on asking the question?
What would be really useful to ask at this time?

What if I usually ask questions bad? Simply decide it's time to do something different. The choice is yours. Make the decision that every time you ask a question you turn negative as soon as you realize what you said.

If you keep a diary note of complaints or negative thoughts and write them down so that you become aware of them. Doing this will help you recognize faster as you go tell them.

Questions that create negative feelings and stress are:

How can this person do this to me?
Why did not order this out already?
How many times have I asked you to do with this?
Why do not we have this place already to do with it?
Why should I do with this?
How could you get yourself in this position?

How does it feel just reading these questions? This way of thinking will drain your energy and has the potential to leave the person you are questioning powerless.

But to find the positive intent here: to think about these questions, you must be a comparison with something that you really want .... Otherwise it would not be a problem.
So if you find yourself thinking negative ask a question, "What I want to happen?" Then frame the problem according to this new perspective.

Here is a list of questions to begin with empowering and encourage you to find yourself. The questions are so much more powerful when we created ourselves.

Who can help me achieve my results?
What is great about this?
What can I learn from this to ensure that growth and development?
What other support is available to me? "
What action should I take to ensure that through this?
What will I do differently next time?
How many resources you have available to help me?
What is really funny in this situation that I never noticed before?
What decisions should I do?
Who can see to help me make those decisions?
What I am willing to start doing now (or stop doing now) to ensure a positive outcome?

How was it for you? Have you noticed how different you feel inside just reading these questions? We have raised, or make you feel as if you can find the solution you need?

These questions positive start engaging your higher mind and your creativity to provide new solutions, focusing your intention and make you more determined to succeed.

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